DAT52F (Free-cutting titanium alloy) with improved cutting workability
- Superior machinability compared to conventional titanium alloy. Drilling efficiency can be improved by 50 to 70% when compared to conventional titanium and titanium alloy. For turning, 20 to 30% improvement can be expected when used with carbide tools.
- Mechanical properties and fatigue strength practically equal to those of conventional titanium alloy. They can, therefore, be easily exchanged when used as components.
- Corrosion resistance superior to stainless steel and practically same as conventional titaniums.
Drill life with free-cutting titanium alloy

Cutting conditions
Tool : Cobalt HSS, 5mm dia.
Feed : 0.07mm/rev
Depth of hole :15mm (blind)
Cutting fluid : Water soluble type
Tool life criterion : Tool failure
Carbide tool life with free-cutting titanium alloy

Cutting conditions
Tool : Carbide k10, TNP3331
Feed : 0.15mm/rev
Depth of cut :1.5mm
Cutting fluid : Water soluble type
Tool life criterion : KT=0.05mm